Dispelling Imperfection Illusions 

I could never become a… What a horrendous self-infliction, and more times than not, a mere illusion. Let me cut right to the chase. This is not yet another “you too can live your dreams” exposé as much as it is a heightening of your awareness to the fact that we are masters at cognitive illusion, a false belief that we more or less intuitively accept as true. In that light, it’s easy to fall to the “I’ll never become” scenario seeing yourself as no more than an imperfect being Read more [...]

Reconsidering the Goal/Journey Scenario

We all experience numerous metaphors and aphorisms that for the moment, get us thinking. As my personal focus began to shift from a life in the Arts to that of an author and mentor of sorts, I found that the aphorism if you will, the journey is more important than the goal, surfaced time and time again. I was most assuredly on a new journey focusing tenaciously on researching the constructs of the how and why of our thinking. Within this quest I ran across a statement, a simple semantic restructure Read more [...]

The Value of Becoming Your Own Impresario

An Impresario is an Italian word for someone who undertakes some action. This is an individual who organizes, invents, creates projects, and spins something out of nothing using insight and connection. She is a pathfinder, an improviser – someone who tries to create some kind of value where none existed before. The way things stand, most impresarios employ their skills for other individuals or organizations. And the question is; what plausible reason would you have to not pursue this art of being Read more [...]

Step Beyond Passion & Pursue Your Inner-Daemon

Obviously some clarification needs to be right up front. There are multiple definitions and representations of the word daemon. The Latin daemon is looked upon as a genius, or guardian spirit. From Greek mythology we find it representing a god, or protective spirit. Plato saw the word as synonymous to one that is all knowing and wise. What I’m running with in terms of this article is a viewpoint from author Seth Godin on what our inner-daemon represents which seems to encompass much of the Read more [...]

 Taking Personal Accountability to a New Level

There’s no doubt personal accountability matters, especially in this day and age. It’s the driving force behind who you are and what you do. Author Greg Bustin speaks in this same light with his statement that accountability trumps any financial, intellectual, structural, or technical abilities in these times. It’s more or less an attitude of achieving whatever the personal objective may be in spite of circumstances surrounding you, which many times seem to be beyond your control. So, what Read more [...]

The Importance of Being Able to Talk the Talk

Let’s face it. Communicating is what we do the most and consequently pay attention to the least. Beyond that curious enigma of sorts comes a rather enlightening stat. According to Compton’s Encyclopedia, the total number of words in the English language is around 750,000. Of that number, we typically, or better said “habitually” use around 500 to 2000 words which represents only one half of one percent of the language. This in my opinion deserves your attention, and here’s why. Words Read more [...]

The Catch 22 of Emulation

The process of emulation is a tried and true method for expanding anyone’s possibilities, without a doubt. It is at the heart of most educational endeavors, studying and learning from those we have deemed relevant to our pursuits. We are actually wired to respond in this fashion. As I mentioned in a previous post, your brain contains what has been termed as “mirror neurons,” which in essence clutches the actions and emotions of others on an almost automatic basis, the process of emulation Read more [...]

Twisting the Placebo Effect for Personal Success

We’re all familiar with the placebo effect in medicine and the highly scrutinized but mystifying success that has been experienced using it. It is a procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than the physiological effect, and sometimes the results are quite amazing. In the best selling book Mind Over Medicine, author and M.D. Lissa Rankin goes into great detail on this phenomena and the amazing results of the power of the mind. It’s become clear that the expectations Read more [...]

To Zag, or not to Zag is the Question

It’s been said that the opposite of comprehensible is thought-provoking, a clever insight if you will to potentially seeing the merits of making a move in your life that spews of going against the grain. But logic would seem to dictate that aspiring to any new way of doing something is usually a stressful endeavor, or shall I say an anxiety based undertaking. Obviously, for most, stress and anxiety are not something we usually aspire to. Here’s the challenge. Being in the space of daring a Read more [...]

Rearrange What You Already Own

You’re frustrated with your present job, which 9 times out of 10 begs the response; I’m going to have to learn a new skill set so I can change my work environment. There’s no question this is a legitimate response, but I promise you it’s a limited perspective. We all understand that quote/unquote learning a new skill comes along with a plethora of immediate challenges and roadblocks which no doubt has stopped countless individuals from taking any kind of action, and we now have our proposed Read more [...]